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Dancing with Elements


Dancing with Elements

Free and Real Spectacular

3 day

An application of the theater of permaculture, where we will experiment and explore theatrically and energetically ways to connect rather than separate, cooperate rather than compete, respect diversity and support each other, to co-create. 

Saturday 6 

Sunday 7

Monday the 8th

August  2022

13.00 - 15.00



Free and Real


North Evia 

Dancing with Elements



Νέας Ελβετίας



 Κεφάλαιο Μέταλλο

"Λαξεύοντας τη δύναμή μας"

17:30 - 18:45

Qigong thematic lesson.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the weather phenomenon

and the pathogen for the organism that define the winter season is the cold, while the predominant element is water.

Through a series of static and dynamic cleaning flows,

empowerment and circulation of energy, we will try

to detect and decongest any blockages

in our body, to warm our internal organs and especially

kidneys, to help our blood circulate

and our energy to be released, focusing on the meridians of the kidneys and the bladder. One of our main tasks in winter is to nourish and build our vital energy and charge our energy tanks.

18:45 - 19:00 Break.

19:00 - 20:00

Using physical expression and theatrical improvisation, we approach elements of winter that are storage, nutrition,

water and slowness and explore the flow of liquidity

to discover deceptive paths of our internal energy map in a two-way feedback process between

inside and out.

Σάββατο  28 

Σεπτεμβρίου 2024

17:30 - 18:45

Qigong thematic lesson.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the weather phenomenon

and the pathogen for the organism that define the winter season is the cold, while the predominant element is water.

Through a series of static and dynamic cleaning flows,

empowerment and circulation of energy, we will try

to detect and decongest any blockages

in our body, to warm our internal organs and especially

kidneys, to help our blood circulate

and our energy to be released, focusing on the meridians of the kidneys and the bladder. One of our main tasks in winter is to nourish and build our vital energy and charge our energy tanks.

18:45 - 19:00 Break.

19:00 - 20:00

Using physical expression and theatrical improvisation, we approach elements of winter that are storage, nutrition,

water and slowness and explore the flow of liquidity

to discover deceptive paths of our internal energy map in a two-way feedback process between

inside and out.

13.00 - 15.00


Dancing - Details

17:30 - 18:45

Qigong thematic lesson.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the weather phenomenon

and the pathogen for the organism that define the winter season is the cold, while the predominant element is water.

Through a series of static and dynamic cleaning flows,

empowerment and circulation of energy, we will try

to detect and decongest any blockages

in our body, to warm our internal organs and especially

kidneys, to help our blood circulate

and our energy to be released, focusing on the meridians of the kidneys and the bladder. One of our main tasks in winter is to nourish and build our vital energy and charge our energy tanks.

18:45 - 19:00 Break.

19:00 - 20:00

Using physical expression and theatrical improvisation, we approach elements of winter that are storage, nutrition,

water and slowness and explore the flow of liquidity

to discover deceptive paths of our internal energy map in a two-way feedback process between

inside and out.




Conception - planning - coordination

collective theater

improvisation - 





Elena Stamatopoulou is a director,

actor and teacher. 

Doctor of the Department of Theater

and postgraduate history researcher

of the Ionian University. 


Πρόγραμμα Φεστιβάλ - Πληροφορίες στο

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Το «Νέο Θεμέλιο» σας προσκαλεί στο 3ο Fellow Fest για να καλωσορίσουμε το φθινόπωρο με Ενότητα, Γνώση και Δράση! Το φετινό φεστιβάλ είναι αφιερωμένο στις «Κοινότητες του Παρόντος και του Μέλλοντος». 

Διάλεξε το «Εμείς» και έλα να χτίσουμε μαζί ένα μέλλον Συναδελφοσύνης, Συλλογικότητας και Συνεργασίας. 
Δράσεις και Εργαστήρια για Όλους
Καλλιτεχνικές Δραστηριότητες
Συναυλίες και Θεατρικά Δρώμενα
Ανοιχτές Συζητήσεις και

Μοίρασμα Ιδεών
Όλα τα παραπάνω είναι ΔΩΡΕΑΝ!

17:30 - 18:45

Qigong thematic lesson.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the weather phenomenon

and the pathogen for the organism that define the winter season is the cold, while the predominant element is water.

Through a series of static and dynamic cleaning flows,

empowerment and circulation of energy, we will try

to detect and decongest any blockages

in our body, to warm our internal organs and especially

kidneys, to help our blood circulate

and our energy to be released, focusing on the meridians of the kidneys and the bladder. One of our main tasks in winter is to nourish and build our vital energy and charge our energy tanks.

18:45 - 19:00 Break.

19:00 - 20:00

Using physical expression and theatrical improvisation, we approach elements of winter that are storage, nutrition,

water and slowness and explore the flow of liquidity

to discover deceptive paths of our internal energy map in a two-way feedback process between

inside and out.

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17:30 - 18:45

Qigong thematic lesson.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the weather phenomenon

and the pathogen for the organism that define the winter season is the cold, while the predominant element is water.

Through a series of static and dynamic cleaning flows,

empowerment and circulation of energy, we will try

to detect and decongest any blockages

in our body, to warm our internal organs and especially

kidneys, to help our blood circulate

and our energy to be released, focusing on the meridians of the kidneys and the bladder. One of our main tasks in winter is to nourish and build our vital energy and charge our energy tanks.

18:45 - 19:00 Break.

19:00 - 20:00

Using physical expression and theatrical improvisation, we approach elements of winter that are storage, nutrition,

water and slowness and explore the flow of liquidity

to discover deceptive paths of our internal energy map in a two-way feedback process between

inside and out.

Νέο Θεμέλιο


Webinar will have a low contribution, as a form of mutual support and solidarity on our part, to be as accessible as possible.

This contribution will be available exclusively at the expense of maintaining the team space.

Unfortunately, while all artistic activities have been suspended until recently, the costs continue to run. This contribution will therefore have the character of practical solidarity in a self-organized and self-financed theatrical group that is coming of age this winter, closing 18 years of presence in the city of Thessaloniki.

We considered it better to give the option of the contribution,

so that each one responds according to his / her abilities.


25 or 30 or 35 euro

The number of participants will unfortunately be limited,

due to the special nature of the medium. First come first served.

See where he is

the Mediterranean Sea

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2002 - 2022

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